Today's a big day!
I'm heading off to do all the touristy stuff and hopefully meet up with Jen later. I'm going to go to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arche de Triomphe. I eat the bread and butter they give me for breakfast and head off to the Louvre. I arrive around ten. I wait in line for 15 minutes before going through the metal detector. Another 5 minutes for a ticket and I'm in. I start on the -1 floor and work my way up. The Louvre is shaped like a horse shoe so I start at one end and walk the whole floor until I get to the other end where I take the stairs to the next floor.
Rinse and repeat.
The French have decided that the ground floor is floor 0, so after an hour or so I get to the 1st floor. Mona's floor. She has many, many spectators gawking and snapping photos. She's unbelievably small.
I continue to walk the halls, admiring the centuries-old priceless art. And I find my favorite painting. I don't look to see who painted it.
For some reason I don't want to know.
It was one o'clock when I left the Louvre and walked through the park. I stopped to have a sandwich at a cafe in the park. I know how to order food in French so I give it a try. It sounds like I have peanut butter in my mouth.
I finish the poulet mayonaise sandwich and walk to the Eiffel tower. It's pretty big. I go sit down in the grass and a girl comes up to me and asks me to take her photograph in front of the Tower. She's from Taiwan and lives in London. She's covering the Olympic games while getting her Master's. She's adamant that I give her my information. She wants me to come visit in Taiwan.
Maybe on my next adventure.
I tell her I'm going to go and head off, walking to my last stop. I pass by Ferraris, tinted Mercedes, and '60s American muscle on the way to the Arche de Triomphe
How very interesting.
I get to the monument and it's in the center of a roundabout. Cars fly by, darting into the circle without hesitation. They weave in and out of traffic and fly out on a different street. It's completely insane.
I take the metro back to the hostel now because the free wifi starts at four o'clock and I want to try and contact Jen. She's written me a message saying she's going up in the Eiffel Tour with a friend at 6:30. I've already seen it today, but I tell her I'll go anyways.
I take the metro down there and find her waiting in line with her friend Valerie who's also from The States. She's from Kansas City, Kansas and goes to school at The University of Tulsa in Oklahoma. She's funny, and also very pretty. She's short with red hair that glows orange in the sun, green eyes, and a great smile. She loves to laugh. The three of us take the ride up the elevator to the top of the tower. The photographs are magnificent. The views are better.
We walk around to the other side of the tower and find a man proposing to his girlfriend. She says yes, jumps into his arms, and cries. I wanted to buy them champagne at the cafe at the top but I'm flat out of money. Jen helped to pay for my ride up. I'd pay her back after going to an ATM later.
After leaving the Eiffel tower we head off to have a beer. After, we head to the Bastille area near my hostel so I can throw down my bag. The Bastille is a great area for nightlife as well. We buy crepes at a little cafe and they're delicious. I decide to have a crepe with fromage et thon. It's amazing.
Like a tuna quesadilla, only better.
After we eat we head off to find a bar. A few of Jen's friends meet up with us and we play a few drinking games. After a few hours they've got to leave to catch the last metro of the night back to the dorms at the university where they're staying. I walk them to the station and arrange a time and place to meet Jen and her friends in the morning. We're going to Versailles tomorrow.

Rinse and repeat.
The French have decided that the ground floor is floor 0, so after an hour or so I get to the 1st floor. Mona's floor. She has many, many spectators gawking and snapping photos. She's unbelievably small.
I continue to walk the halls, admiring the centuries-old priceless art. And I find my favorite painting. I don't look to see who painted it.
For some reason I don't want to know.
It was one o'clock when I left the Louvre and walked through the park. I stopped to have a sandwich at a cafe in the park. I know how to order food in French so I give it a try. It sounds like I have peanut butter in my mouth.
I finish the poulet mayonaise sandwich and walk to the Eiffel tower. It's pretty big. I go sit down in the grass and a girl comes up to me and asks me to take her photograph in front of the Tower. She's from Taiwan and lives in London. She's covering the Olympic games while getting her Master's. She's adamant that I give her my information. She wants me to come visit in Taiwan.
Maybe on my next adventure.
I tell her I'm going to go and head off, walking to my last stop. I pass by Ferraris, tinted Mercedes, and '60s American muscle on the way to the Arche de Triomphe
How very interesting.
I get to the monument and it's in the center of a roundabout. Cars fly by, darting into the circle without hesitation. They weave in and out of traffic and fly out on a different street. It's completely insane.
I take the metro back to the hostel now because the free wifi starts at four o'clock and I want to try and contact Jen. She's written me a message saying she's going up in the Eiffel Tour with a friend at 6:30. I've already seen it today, but I tell her I'll go anyways.
I take the metro down there and find her waiting in line with her friend Valerie who's also from The States. She's from Kansas City, Kansas and goes to school at The University of Tulsa in Oklahoma. She's funny, and also very pretty. She's short with red hair that glows orange in the sun, green eyes, and a great smile. She loves to laugh. The three of us take the ride up the elevator to the top of the tower. The photographs are magnificent. The views are better.
We walk around to the other side of the tower and find a man proposing to his girlfriend. She says yes, jumps into his arms, and cries. I wanted to buy them champagne at the cafe at the top but I'm flat out of money. Jen helped to pay for my ride up. I'd pay her back after going to an ATM later.
After leaving the Eiffel tower we head off to have a beer. After, we head to the Bastille area near my hostel so I can throw down my bag. The Bastille is a great area for nightlife as well. We buy crepes at a little cafe and they're delicious. I decide to have a crepe with fromage et thon. It's amazing.
Like a tuna quesadilla, only better.
After we eat we head off to find a bar. A few of Jen's friends meet up with us and we play a few drinking games. After a few hours they've got to leave to catch the last metro of the night back to the dorms at the university where they're staying. I walk them to the station and arrange a time and place to meet Jen and her friends in the morning. We're going to Versailles tomorrow.
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